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Meditation And Psychotherapy

Meditation and Psychotherapy

MEDITATION AND PSYCHOTHERAPY During decade of the 90s and 2000 Dhiravansa, Thai vipassana meditation teacher, and Manuel Almendro, clinical psychologist, jointly conducted several seminars and participation in some conferences. Seminars were pioneers that preceded the…


Oxigeme™ is a theoretical and practical process of integrative psychologies carried out by professionals. The objective of this process is to allow the individual a realistic and effective discovery of…

New group Crisol seminar, year 2015

 26 Junio - 2 Julio, 2015 Se abre nuevo grupo para realizar el Seminario CRISOL™ CRISOL™ Limpia tu herida familiar. Paz con los ancestros para poder “ver”. Crisol™, inspirado en el Proceso…

Opening call for new training group

 Hasta completar grupo Abierto plazo de inscripción para profesionales de la salud y estudiantes de psicología interesados en recibir formación en el Proceso Oxígeme.

Research and Academia

Introduction Research conducted and in progress Empirical measurements Oxigeme Process Protocol Methodologies Training process Guidance Bibliography Introduction The process of research and academia in the Oxigeme Process has been going…


In conjunction, meditative practice, clinical practice and scientific research could be a good way to understand the phenomenon of the states that occurs in meditation/mindfulness based on the potential breadth…

Weekend seminars

Movement-Vibration and Quietude-Silence Inside the context of Oxígeme and after the steps of helping the processes: Mind One-Mind in Silence, Penetrating Consciousness-Open Consciousness, -we will teach them- we will access…

Oxigeme Process

Individual sessions Introduction to Personal Unity: body, emotions and mind. It is a partly verbal therapy, face-to-face, centered on the problem that integrates structures of several psychology schools. In this…

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